Vertical shaft shredders

Farm-Coupe Rotary Mower

Broyeur Farm coupe Desvoys
  • Farm coupe avec roues
  • Broyeur Farm Coupe
  • Broyeur Farm Coupe rouleau
Fabriqué en France

Shred all types of vegetation, such as grass, scrub and straw.

2,50 to 2,80m
60 to 120 hp

The Farm-Coupe mower is the perfect tool for shredding all types of vegetation. Its housing structure, sturdy beams, solid transmission components and large shredding chamber volume make it suitable for all applications.

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Key points

HousingBroyeur Farm Coupe Caisse

High-clearance housing for working in thicker vegetation, thus offering greater versatility.

Power transmissionFlectors Farm-Coupe

Boxes aligned by flectors mounted onto a cross-bar for longer mechanical working life.

Cutting heightPatin Farm coupe

Adjustable cutting height via skids for optimum rotor protection.
As an option, a roller with removable sealed end caps or castor wheels can be added onto the basic equipment to increase work precision.

Floating couplingAttelage Farm coupe

Square bent-tube hitch mounted onto fixed clevises with offset for excellent structural rigidity.
Floating system for working on all types of terrain.


Working width 2.50 to 2.80 m
PTO speed 540 or 1000 rpm
Tractor power 60 to 120 m
Rotor 2 rotors - single-blade - 2 cutters
Cutting height 30 - 80 - 130 - 180
Weight 800 to 850 kg
Options machine can be upgraded to meet your needs.

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